Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Free Nutrition Seminar!

Join Heather Parentice, Wellness Coach, and new Lite For Life counselor for a seminar entitled:
Beat The 2-Day Binge: Weekend Survival Guide.
Monday, May 17th
11:00 - 12:00pm
Held in the spinning room at Los Gatos Fitness
You need not be a club member to attend, so bring your friends and family.
Don't miss out - sign up at the Lite For Life desk!

Friday, April 30, 2010

The New Dirty Dozen

The 2010 Dirty Dozen List is out. Take a look at these 12 foods and whenever possible, buy organic.

The New Dirty Dozen: 12 foods to eat organic and avoid pesticide residue


Yes - poop. It's what everyone seems to talk about once the counselor room doors close. I hold back a laugh as client after client grumbles about their bathroom issues. I think it's time we stop being embarrassed and solve the problem! Fortunately, I have an answer......

All Bran Bran Buds. Go to the store - now! I tell my clients to start with 1/3 cup every other day following immediately with 2 cups of water. They MUST drink 8-10 cups of water throughout the day for the bran to work its magic. Wait a few days and move to using the cereal every day if necessary. A one-third cup serving equals one starch serving.

The second piece of advice I give (for more dire situations) is Senna tea. Senna (an herb) is a natural laxative which is consumed as a tea. I personally use Kleri Tea from Colonix (google it)once in a while, but I've also heard good things about Smooth Move which is available in grocery stores. You'll want to start with the minimum seeping time and then increase that time to achieve the desired results.

One word of caution: you may want to check with your doctor prior to drinking Senna as there are some contraindications if you have certain ailments. It is also only intended to be used occasionally, as frequent use causes your body to require Senna for bowel movements. With that being said, though, it's wonderful!

Happy bathroom time!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Exercise -----XXX----> Weight Loss

Check out this article explaining why exercise does NOT equal weight loss:

Weighing the Evidence on Exercise

Veggies? No Sweat!

Do you get the recommended 3 cups of vegetables per day? You do? Great! You don't? No sweat! Just continue reading........

In a consultation today during business hours, a client shared her strategy for consuming enough veggies. She slices and dices a combination of vegetables in the morning and plops them in a bowl. The bowls follows her to work and she munches on them all day long.

I love this idea for multiple reasons. Number one, she's planning ahead and making lifestyle changes that she's reaping the rewards from (she lost 1 3/4 pounds in the past two days!). Secondly, it takes away all the guesswork about how she's going to fit in the vegetables. Rather than having to order a side salad with lunch or factor in a large serving of cooked vegetables with dinner, a couple minutes in the morning (or the night before) takes care of the day.

I think I'm going to give this a shot next week. As hard as I try, sometimes I just don't want to make myself a sandwich and a salad when I get home from work. I know, what kind of role model am I?!

My choices: sugar snap peas, red bell peppers, and cucumber. What are yours?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sugar Stats

Check out the latest on sugar by clicking the link below. The news is spreading regarding the dangers of too much sugar in the American diet:

AHA Recommends "Prudent" Maximum Intakes of Empty Sugar Calories

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The 15# Club

A big welcome to Colleen N. She lost 15 pounds in just 7 weeks!!